Land Measurement Units in India

In India term ‘area’ is used to capture information about the area of a land parcel. Different traditional units like Kanal, Marla, Cents, Guntas, Bigha, Biswa, Biswansi, Sarsaai are used for recording the area of a land parcel in different states of India.

Area units are different within the state in our country and some cases same unit may have different conversion factors when used in different states. You can check this difference in conversion list given below.

Land Measurement Units of Indian States
Area Conversion Factors
Area Conversion – Government Settlement
Land Measurement Units in Maharashtra
Land Measurement Units in Rajasthan
Land Area Conversion Calculator

Land Measurement Units in practice in various states of India

Area UnitPractice in State
AcresKarnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh
AnkanamParts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
CentsAndhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu
BighaBihar, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand
Bigha-KachhaSome parts of Punjab, Haryana, UP
Bigha-PuccaBihar and parts of UP, Punjab, and Haryana
BiswaRajasthan, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, J&K
Biswa-PuccaUpper parts of UP, Punjab, Haryana
Biswa-KachhaLower parts of Punjab, Haryana, UP
BiswansiRajasthan, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, J&K
DismilBihar, Jharkhand
GajamAndhra Pradesh, Telangana
HectaresMadhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Gujarat, Goa, Maharashtra
KanalHaryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir
KillaParts of Haryana and Punjab
KathaAssam, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal
SatakWest Bengal
Sq cm All over India
Sq feetAll over India
Sq inchAll over India
Sq metresAll over India
Sq yards

Area Conversion Factors

1 centi-are = 1 Square metre
1 centi-are = 10.76 Square feet
100 Centi-are = 1 Are
100 Are = 1 hectare
100 Sq metre = 1 Are
1 hectare = 100m x 100m = 10000 Square metre
1 hectare = 404.68458 Acre (Tripura)
40 Are = 1 Acre
1 Lessa = 144 Sq feet
1 Katha = 5 Lessa or 720 Sq feet
1 Bigha (Assam) = 4 Katha or 20 Lessa or 2880 Sq feet
1 Sq metre = 10000 Sq cm (Gujarat)
2.47105 Acres = 1 Hectare (Kerala)
1 Are = 2.47105 cents (Kerala)
1 Acre = 100 cents (Kerala,Tamil nadu)
1 Cent = 40 Sq metres or 435 Sq feet
1 Acre = 40 Guntas (Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka)
1 Acre = 605 Ankanams (Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka)
1 Ankanam = 72 sqft (Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka)
1 Gunta = 100 Sq metres (around 1100 sq feet)
1 Acre = 121 Sq yards
1 Kuncham = 10 cents(Andhra Pradesh)
1 Sq link = 0.0404687 Sq metre (Kerala)
Shahjahani Jarib (165 feet) (Rajasthan)
1 Bigha = 1 Jarib x 1 Jarib = 165’ x 165’ = 27225 Square Feet
1 Bigha(Shahjahani Jarib) = 0.253 Hectare
Gantari Jarib (132 feet) (Rajasthan)
1 Bigha = 1 Jarib x 1 Jarib = 132’ x 132’ = 17424 Square Feet
1 Bigha (Gantari Jarib) = 0.16 Hectare
1 Bigha = 20 Biswansi (Rajasthan)
1 Acre = 4046.94 Sq metre (Jharkhand)
1 Dismil = 40.46 Sq metre (Jharkhand)
1 Katha(Jharkhand) = 66.89 Sq metre (Jharkhand)
1 Dur = 10 Sq metre (Jharkhand)
Before Bundobust (Settlement)
1 Karam = 57.157” (Haryana)
1 Biswansi = 1 Karam x 1 Karam (Haryana)
20 Biswansi = 1 Biswa (Haryana)
1 Bigha = 20 Biswa (Haryana)
4 Bigha-16 Biswa = 1 Acre (Haryana)
2.47 acre = 1 hectare (CG)

Area Conversion – Government Settlement

1 Karam = 57.157″ (Haryana)
20 Biswansi = 1 Biswa (Haryana)
1 Bigha = 20 Biswa (Haryana)
4 Bigha = 1 Kila (Haryana)
1 Kila = 40 Karam x 40 Karam (Haryana)

After Bandobust (Settlement)
1 Karam = 66″ (Haryana)
1 Sarsaai = 1 Karam x 1 Karam (Haryana)
9 Sarsaai = 1 Marla (Haryana)
20 Marla = 1 Kanal (Haryana)
8 Kanal = 1 Acre (Ghuman) (Haryana)
1 Acre = 36 Karam x 40 Karam (North to South, East to West) (Haryana)
2.5 Acre = 1 Hectare (CG)


Biswa is a popular land measurement unit in Indian states Rajasthan, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and J&K. Here some common conversion from Biswa.

20 Biswansi = 1 Biswa (Haryana) [Government Settlement]
1 Bigha = 20 Biswa (Haryana) [Government Settlement]
4 Bigha-16 Biswa = 1 Acre (Haryana)

Land Measurement Units in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

1 Ankanam = 72 square feet
1 Ankanam = 36 square feet (in Tirupati)
1 Cent = 435.6 square feet
1 Gajam = 9 square feet

Land Measurement Units in Assam

1 Katha = 2880 square feet
1 Katha = 0.0661157 Acre

Land Measurement Units in Bihar

1 Katha = 1361.25 square feet
1 Katha = 0.03125 Acre

Land Measurement Units in Jharkhand

1 Katha = 1742 square feet
1 Katha = 0.03999082 Acre

Land Measurement Units in Karnataka

1 Ankanam = 72 square feet
1 Cent = 435.6 square feet

Land Measurement Units in Kerala

1 Cent = 435.6 square feet

Land Measurement Units in Maharashtra

1 Acre = 40 Gunthas = .40 Hectare
1 Acre = 4840 Square Yards
1 Acre = 4067.23 Square Meters
1 Acre = 43,560 Square Feet
1 Bigha = 25 Gunthas =.25 Hectare
1 Guntha = .1 Hectare
1 Guntha = 121 Square Yards = 101.17 Square Meters
1 Guntha = 33 ft. x 33 ft. = 1089 Square Feet
1 Hectare = 2.5 Acres
1 sq. metre = 10.76 Square Feet
1 sq. metre = 1.190 Square Yards
1 sq. yard = 9 Square Feet
11 sq. yard = 0.8361 Square Meters

Land Measurement Units in Rajasthan

1 sq Inch = 6.4516 sq CM.
1 sq Foot = 0.093 sq Meter.
1 sq Gaj = 0.836 sq Meter.
1 Acre = 0.404685 Hectare.
1 Sq Mile = 259 Hectare.
100 Sq Meter = 1 Are.
100 Cent Are = 1 Are.
100 Are = 1 Hectare.
100 Hectare = 1 Sq KM.
1 sq Meter = 1.20 Sq Haj.
1 Are = 120 Sq Gaj.
1 Are = 1076.43 Sq Feet.
1 Hectare = 2.471 Acre.
1 Hectare = 2 Acre 2280 sq Gaj.
1 Cent = 0.01 Acre.
20 Biswansi = 1 Biswa.
20 Biswa = 1 Bigha.
1 Gaththa = 6.6 feet.
1 Gaththa = 2.2 Gaj.
10 Gaththa = 1 Jarib.
1 Gaththa X 1 Gaththa = 1 Biswansi.
1 Gaththa X 1 Jarib = 1 Biswa.
1 Jarib X 1 Jarib = 1 Bigha.

Land Measurement Units in Tamil Nadu

1 Cent = 435.6 square feet

Land Measurement Units in West Bengal

1 Katha = 720 square feet = 0.0165289 Acre
1 Satak = 435.6 sq. ft = 0.605 Katha = 1/100 Acre = 1 dismil = 1 cent

Indian Land Area Conversion Calculator

Please note there are thousand of online land area conversion calculators are available today but India has different measurement units in different state. Government has settle all these units after Bandobust. You should only use measurement units settle by government. Here we are providing land area conversion calculator which is developed by Department of Land Resources. Here you can convert your land area in different units as per local/state area units in different states of India.
Convert you land area


  1. plz guide— in govt map in Ambikapur , chhatisgarh in the sketch 1 cm is equal to how much feet in ground reality

  2. Team,

    Pls guide me on conversion for 2 Biswa in Mirzapur (Uttar Pradesh-UP) to Exact Square feet in Government Standards ?


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